CNBC Pro Talks: Portfolio manager Trent Masters shares how to beat the market — and his top stock picks

CNBC Pro Talks: Portfolio manager Trent Masters shares how to beat the market — and his top stock picks

Global stocks were hit hard in 2022, with the MSCI World Index falling almost 20%. What will this year bring? Join CNBC’s next Pro Talks for insights on how to play the market in 2023.

Portfolio manager Trent Masters of investment management firm Alphinity will join CNBC’s Mandy Drury to discuss his outlook for the year, and which stocks he expects will beat the market.

Masters will also discuss the beaten-down tech sector, and the stocks most exposed looking ahead.

“While 2022 was the year of valuation compression, 2023 will be the year when some former Covid darlings actually go broke,” he told CNBC ahead of the Pro Talks.

Masters manages the Alphinity Global Equity Fund, which outperformed the MSCI World Index last year. With the aim of providing “consistently strong” returns, the fund holds global stocks in the consumer discretionary, tech and health care sectors, among others.

Masters has more than 20 years of investing experience. He joined Alphinity in 2021 after working at Global Evolution Capital, where he focused on tech, health, and energy.

Watch the next Pro Talks here. It will be live on Thursday, Jan. 12 at 2:30 p.m. Singapore Time/ 6:30 a.m. GMT/ 1:30 a.m. EST.
