Do I Own a Stock on the Trade Date or the Settlement Date?

Reviewed by Charlene RhinehartFact checked by Yarilet PerezReviewed by Charlene RhinehartFact checked by Yarilet Perez

There are two key dates involved in a stock purchase transaction. The first is the trade date, which marks the day an investor places the buy order in the market or on an exchange. The second is the settlement date, which marks the date and time the legal transfer of shares is executed between the buyer and seller. This is the date when you officially own the stock. The time frame between the trade date and settlement date differs from one security to another, due to varying settlement rules attached to different types of investments. 

Key Takeaways

  • A trade date signifies the day an investor places the buy order
  • A settlement date marks the date and time the legal transfer of shares is executed between the buyer and the seller.
  • You officially own stock on the day your transaction is settled.
  • The lag time between the trade date and settlement date differs from one security to another.

Trade Date vs. Settlement Date

Trade dates and settlement dates are two important periods investors must be aware of when they buy and sell stocks.

A trade date is the day, month, and year that an order is executed. This is the time that the trade is recorded in the market. Put simply, the trade date is the time when a purchase or sale order is initiated. Most trades take place during normal trading hours or when the market is open. For instance, normal trading hours take place on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) between 9:30 a.m. ET and 4 p.m. ET.

The settlement date comes after the trade date. This is the day, month, and year that the transaction is finalized between both parties. The buyer pays the seller while the seller delivers the asset to the buyer to close the trade. Settlement dates vary depending on the type of security. They may also change based on the date. For instance, closing a stock transaction may be longer if the settlement date falls on a weekend or holiday.

Trade Dates and Settlement Dates for Stocks

As noted above, transactions are initiated on the trade date and are finalized on the settlement date. The market uses special terms to denote these dates—T+1, T+2, T+3, and so on. These abbreviations represent the transaction date (T) and the settlement period. For instance, T+1 means there is a one business day lag between the transaction and settlement date while T+2 means a trade settles two business days after the transaction is initiated.

As of May 28, 2024, stock transactions settle on a T+1 basis. This means settlement takes place a day after the trade is initiated. So if you buy a stock on Tuesday, the trade settles on Wednesday. Weekends and holidays may affect the settlement date for stock transactions. In these cases, settlement takes place on the next business day. This means that you own the stock on the settlement date.

Financial regulators made changes to the way certain securities-related transactions are finalized. The majority of trades settled on a T+2 basis or two days after the trade date. Amendments were adopted to “(promote) the timely, orderly, and efficient settlement of securities transactions” while lowering the risk to counterparties and improving capital liquidity.


The price you pay or receive for a security is the price quoted on the day the transaction is initiated.

Special Considerations

As previously explained, financial markets rigidly establish the number of business days after a transaction that securities must be paid and delivered to investors. The lag time separating transaction and settlement dates is originally attributed to the fact that settlements were previously confirmed manually by the physical transport of stock certificates.

Only after receiving the document related to a security, would the investor issue payment. But due to fluctuating prices and the uncertainty of delivery schedules, regulators imposed a set time in which those securities and the cash spent on them, had to change hands. Stock sales are transacted electronically, with much shorter processing times. But vestiges of earlier settlement rules can still be felt in modern-day trading.

Although it happens rarely, there are two ways in which settlements can go south. The first is called a long fail, where the buyer lacks adequate funds to pay for the purchased shares. The second is called a short fail, which happens when the seller does not have the necessarily available securities on the settlement date.

Trade Dates and Settlement Dates for Other Securities

Settlement dates vary by asset type. Consider the following timetables:

Ownership is transferred without complication in most cases. After all, buyers and sellers are eager to satisfy their legal obligations and finalize transactions. This means that buyers provide the necessary funds to pay sellers, while sellers hold enough securities needed to transfer the agreed-upon amount to the new owners.

What Happens If I Make a Trade on a Weekend?

Although you can initiate a buy or sell order for securities on a Saturday or Sunday, your transaction won’t begin that day. Rather, the order is initiated on the next business day. As with any other trade, the transaction follows settlement protocols set by regulators. For a T+1 transaction, your trade is initiated on Monday (on Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) and is settled the next day. A T+2 trade settles two business days later.

Do Trades Settle on Holidays?

No, trades don’t settle on holidays. Similarly, they can’t be initiated on a holiday, either. Although you can place a trade order on a holiday, it isn’t initiated until the next business day. The settlement date follows market protocol. So a T+1 transaction settles one business day after it is initiated while a T+2 trade is finalized two business days later.

Does the Price Paid for a Stock Apply on the Trade or Settlement Date?

The difference between the trade and settlement date for a financial transaction may confuse investors as to which price applies to their order. The price you pay (as a buyer) or receive (as a seller) for a security is the price quoted on the date and time you initiate the trade. The settlement date simply refers to the date that the transaction is finalized and you take or transfer position of the asset.

The Bottom Line

Financial transactions involve two different dates. One is the trade date or the date you initiate your transaction. The settlement date, on the other hand, is the date when your transaction is finalized. As of May 28, 2024, stock transactions settle the next business day. Keep in mind that the price you pay or receive for the asset is the price quoted when you initiate the transaction on the trade date.

Read the original article on Investopedia.
