Bitcoin: Do the Biggest Price Swings Happen on Weekends?

Bitcoin: Do the Biggest Price Swings Happen on Weekends?
Reviewed by Erika RasureReviewed by Erika Rasure

Many eagerly await weekends as a much-needed break from the workweek, but in the past, there have been claims that the weekends were one of the best times to trade and profit from Bitcoin volatility. Is this true? Well, like many other investments, it depends. There seem to always be drops in volume on these traditional days off, but generally, prices experience large swings in both directions no matter what day it is.

An analysis of data from 2022 and 2024 (through August) suggests that weekends provide Bitcoin trading opportunities similar to those of any other day of the week.

Here are some figures that can help you decide whether or not to trade Bitcoin on the weekend.

Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin prices remain volatile throughout the week and weekend, but the volatility is somewhat reliable in that it is always present.
  • There is less trading volume on the weekends, reducing liquidity.
  • The significant drop in volume is likely from professional traders, who cease trading on weekends.
  • Bitcoin retail traders should be cautious when trading on the weekends, religiously executing their exit strategies on every trade.


Data was taken from CoinMarketCap, a popular cryptocurrency data aggregator. Prices were sampled from October 2017 to August 2024, taken at midnight each day. Average price and volume changes were measured for the five-year period and each weekday from January 2022 to August 2024.

Bitcoin’s Price and Volume Numbers

Bitcoin’s average price rose rapidly from 2017 to 2018, climbed significantly in 2021, dropped through 2023, then rose to new highs in 2024. The following table lists average prices for each year.

2017 average price $4,006.03
2018 average price $7,572.30
2019 average price $7,395.25
2020 average price $11,127.11
2021 average price $47,436.93
2022 average price $28,197.88
2023 average price $26,728.69
2024 average price $60,022.88

Average daily price and volume change data for 2022 to August 2024 was as follows:

2022 Price Changes 2023 Price Changes 2024 Price Changes 2022 Volume Changes 2023 Volume Changes 2024 Volume Changes
Sunday -0.27% 0.53% 1.21% 3.86% 12.21% 86.69%
Monday 0.02% 0.12% -0.78% 47.65% 59.56% 9.94%
Tuesday -0.06% 0.97% 0.34% 3.69% 2.75% -0.91%
Wednesday -0.27% 0.06% 0.26% 2.93% 11.49% -2.22%
Thursday -0.20% -0.37% -3.08% -0.42% 0.67% -0.02%
Friday -0.64% 0.48% 0.11% 7.34% 1.72% -42.34%
Saturday -0.21% 0.13% 0.27% -31.11% -36.60% 10.16%

Using only these figures, it appears that average weekend price changes are not much different from weekday changes. Volume tells a different story, but not in the way the average change figures present it.

Interpreting the Price and Volume Data

The following image shows Bitcoin’s price (the blue line) and volume (at the bottom) for January through August 2024. The volume bars demonstrate lower weekend trading volumes, followed by increased weekday trading. Prices continued to be volatile throughout.

Bitcoin: Do the Biggest Price Swings Happen on Weekends?

Trading View

The next image is Bitcoin volume plotted on a graph using a spreadsheet. Notice it rises and falls according to the day. In general, troughs usually form on Saturday or Sunday, followed by a peak that occurs sometime between Wednesday and Friday.

So, what does all this mean for weekend traders? Lower volume usually means less liquidity and fewer opportunities in a market already touted as less liquid than other markets. Still, billions of dollars in Bitcoin are being traded on the weekend. Prices remain volatile with no indication of out-of-the-norm swings.

The image below shows prices on Saturday, Aug.24, 2024, in one-minute increments. On this particular Saturday, there were some opportunities for large profits from increases but also some significant drops that could cause losses. At 7:58 a.m., BTC’s price was $64,366.13, but by 8:01 a.m., it was $64,296.37. You can also see that prices were all over the place through the morning and afternoon, demonstrating the legendary volatility cryptocurrency prices are known for.

<p>Trading View</p>

Trading View

Is Bitcoin Open on the Weekends?

Bitcoin can be traded 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Trading Bitcoin is always risky, but weekend trading adds more risk. If you can tolerate the risk and stick to your strategy, you could trade profitably on weekends.

Does Bitcoin Operate on the Weekends?

The Bitcoin blockchain network never shuts down, and cryptocurrency exchanges never close. This makes Bitcoin an asset that can be traded at any time.

Does Bitcoin Go Up on the Weekends?

There is no pattern of price climbs on weekends, but prices can rise and fall significantly within minutes.

The Bottom Line

Cryptocurrency trading is an around-the-clock activity, giving you the flexibility to trade anytime. Weekends may be a good time to trade if you’re busy throughout the week and don’t have time to trade—there are opportunities to profit. However, there are no indications that Bitcoin prices swing more on the weekends than the weekdays.

It is important to understand that trading volume was generally lower on weekends in 2022 and 2024 while prices continued rising and falling. Lower volume lessens liquidity in a market that is lower than the stock market, and the cryptocurrency market can turn on a dime. But for the trader who can tolerate risks and stick with their strategy, Bitcoin weekend trading provides some excellent (but risky) opportunities.

The comments, opinions, and analyses expressed on Investopedia are for informational purposes only. Read our warranty and liability disclaimer for more info. As of the date this article was written, the author does not own cryptocurrency.

Read the original article on Investopedia.
