How to Set Up a Trust Fund in the U.K.
Fact checked by Vikki Velasquez
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British trust law has a long, fascinating history dating back to the feudal times of the 12th century and the Statute of Uses adopted during the reign of Henry VIII in the 16th century. Back then, trust and equity rules were established as a parallel justice system to address inequity of common law around property disputes (and to appease disgruntled claimants).
Initially, trust funds were mostly utilized for the management of “will monies” and to create family settlements. Today, “trust” has evolved into an umbrella term for a variety of financial frameworks that allow citizens to protect assets, distribute earnings, and manage wealth both for the present day and for future generations. Although traditionally associated with millionaires and magnates, trusts can benefit middle-class families as well.
Key Takeaways
- Trusts are basically the same in every country, but individual quirks in the U.K. system mean you need to go through the trust line by line with a professional.
- A trust is a legal arrangement that allows a third party to hold assets for a beneficiary.
- Trusts are not only for the wealthy.
What Is a Trust Fund?
In principle, a trust is a very simple concept. It’s a private legal arrangement in which the ownership of someone’s assets (which might include stock shares, cash, real estate, or even artworks) is transferred to a private fund, and held or managed by an individual (or group of individuals) for the benefit of the trust members.
The person providing the assets is generally referred to as the settlor. Those appointed to look after the assets are known as trustees, and those who receive disbursements from the trust are the beneficiaries.
Once assigned to the trust, in most cases, assets are no longer deemed personal possessions of the settlors and are thus safeguarded from creditors (even in cases of bankruptcy), financial setbacks, family disagreements, and lawsuits.
Trusts are a widely used safe haven arrangement for family and business assets.
Why Create a Trust?
Trusts serve a variety of needs, and the reasons for establishing them are seemingly endless. The most common include:
- To control and protect family assets
- Estate and inheritance planning
- When someone is too young or incapacitated to handle their own financial affairs
- To protect spendthrifts against their own lack of control
- For management and distribution of pension or retirement funds during the term of an individual’s employment
What Types of Trusts Are There?
Since trusts function as multipurpose legal tools, they take many forms. The United Kingdom recognizes numerous trust arrangements (each with its own specific procedures and regulations) that generally fall into one of the following categories.
Bare Trusts
Also known as a simple trust, property or assets in this form are held in the name of a trustee who has no discretion over what income is paid to the beneficiary and has no active duties to perform. The beneficiary has the absolute right to all of the capital and income of the trust at any time—if they are 18 or older (in England and Wales), or 16 or older (in Scotland).
Bare trusts are often utilized as a vehicle through which assets are passed to young people. Trustees simply manage the assets until the beneficiary is old enough to handle that responsibility, which means assets set aside by the settlor will always go directly to the intended beneficiary.
Interest in Possession Trusts
This structure provides an individual with a “present right to the present enjoyment” of something, so the trustee must pass on all trust income to the beneficiary as it arises (less any expenses and tax). This type of trust can give the “interest in possession” to a beneficiary for a fixed period, an indefinite period, or most frequently, for the rest of the beneficiary’s life.
In a “life interest” trust, the interest in possession ends when the income beneficiary (known as the “life tenant”) dies, relocates, or remarries.
Discretionary Trusts
As the name implies, this instrument provides the trustee with discretion over distributions from the trust. Discretion must be exercised in accordance with the terms of the trust deed. However, it is entirely up to the trustees to decide as to the timing, size, and nature of the distributions, and even, in some cases, which of the potential beneficiaries is to benefit.
The assets are said to be “held in trust” for the beneficiaries to one day decide what to do with those assets. A discretionary trust is a very flexible form of trust commonly used to keep wealth within families while allowing them some flexibility to make decisions about where the assets go.
Accumulation and Maintenance Trusts
This version allows the trustees to augment the trust’s capital and income. Trustees of an accumulation and maintenance trust are given the power to “accumulate” the trust’s assets (through savings and investments), until a certain date, at which time the beneficiary is entitled to the property of the trust, or to some of the income arising from that property. When the beneficiary reaches the age of 18 (at least, but no older than 25), they become entitled to the full income generated by the trust.
Mixed Trusts
This form contains different types of trusts within one structure. Some assets may be set aside in an interest in possession trust, while others may be treated in a discretionary trust manner. Mixed trusts are often created to benefit sibling beneficiaries who reach inheritance age at different times.
How Do I Create a Trust?
While simple in theory, trusts can become a web of complexity if they’re to operate properly. A solicitor is needed to draw up a trust because the legal wording must be precise. The process can be costly (around £1,000 or more), depending upon the extent of the advice required. By being prepared before you start in the consultation process, however, you can considerably reduce professional advice time and associated costs, irrespective of trust type.
Step 1: Decide Upon the Assets
You will need to list the items and value of those items that have been allocated, or will otherwise be acquired, at trust inception.
Step 2: Appoint Trustee(s)
Select an individual or management company you trust (banks are often used), because the trustee will bear significant legal authority with control over trust assets.
Step 3: Determine the Beneficiaries
Compile a list of people or entities that will be entitled to receive benefits, and include the percentage of those benefits to which each beneficiary is entitled.
Step 4: Outline the Terms
A trust is generally created by way of a deed. A trust deed is a legal document prescribing the rules that govern your fund and the powers of the trustee. It includes the following:
- The fund’s objectives
- Original trust assets
- The beneficiaries
- How benefits are to be paid (either via a lump sum or an income stream)
- How the trust may be settled (that is, terminated)
- The rules for the operation of the trust bank account
Although the deed itself should be crafted by someone with adequate specialized legal, tax, and financial knowledge, you should decide all of these aspects and sketch them out for the professional preparer.
The trust deed will specify the following:
- The identities of the trustees and beneficiaries
- Which assets are being passed into the trust for management by the trustee
- How the money or property is to be managed
- The permitted use of the money
- Who receives the money or property when the trust is terminated
Who Can Set up a Trust Fund?
You don’t need to be wealthy to start a trust fund. As long as you have assets (not necessarily high-value assets), savings, property, or business shares, you can set up a trust fund. Be aware, though, of the costs associated with setting up a trust fund.
How Much Does It Cost to Set up a Trust in the U.K.?
Creating a simple trust typically costs anywhere from £1,000 to £1,500, depending on how much initial legal advice you need and how long it takes your solicitor to draft the wording. If you have a complex collection of assets, including foreign assets, as well as business interests, the cost can be as high as £10,000.
Are Trust Funds Taxed?
Yes. Different rates of income tax, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax are applied to trust funds depending on the type of trust and trust income received.
The Bottom Line
Given their practicality, flexibility, and many financial benefits, trust funds have become an incredibly popular way of structuring financial affairs. However, the complex nature of many trusts requires a crystal-clear understanding of the legal relationships and obligations involved.
If you’d like to set up a trust, you can always start with your own solicitor, accountant, or tax advisor. Law societies also maintain searchable databases to help you find a qualified solicitor in your area.