4 Risks of Giving Your House to Your Child

Reviewed by David Kindness
Fact checked by Vikki Velasquez

With home ownership seemingly out of reach for many young people today, parents may wonder whether they should just give their house to their children at some point? This can happen when parents downsize or move to another property. However, while such generosity may be admirable, giving a house away is a decision with serious financial consequences for everybody concerned.

Key Takeaways

  • Giving your house away means you can’t sell it or access a reverse mortgage if you face unexpected financial challenges.
  • Gifting your house may result in your child having a larger taxable gain if they sell the home.
  • If you still have a mortgage, it might not be transferable to your child, or they might struggle to refinance it.
  • Even if you give the house to your child, if you continue living there, there could be estate tax concerns or family disputes.

Before transferring ownership to your adult child, consider these factors.

1. You May Need the Money One Day

Aside from the funds you have in your retirement accounts, your home equity could be the largest asset you possess. If you give up your house, you won’t be able to sell it and harvest the cash or take out a reverse mortgage to borrow against your accumulated equity should you ever need to. Even if you are financially comfortable now, a large medical or nursing home bill late in life could leave you scrambling to come up with money to pay it.

2. You Could Be Giving Your Child a Huge Tax Bill

If you give your house to your adult child while you’re still living, their tax basis will be the same as yours: whatever you paid for the home plus the cost of any improvements you’ve made over the years. So, for example, if you bought your home 20 years ago for $300,000 and redid the kitchen to the tune of $50,000, your cost basis is $350,000. 

However, if you leave the house to your adult child in your will, rather than making a gift while you’re still alive, the cost basis will step up to the home’s fair market value at the time of your death.

Let’s say your house is worth $700,000 today and will be worth $1 million in another 10 years. A child you give the house to, and who later sells it for $1 million, will owe tax on a gain of $650,000. If they inherited the property instead, the taxable gain would be only $300,000.

In both cases, the child could generally exclude some of that gain by living in the home for at least two years before selling. The exclusion is $250,000 for an individual, $500,000 for couples who file a joint return. But even so, the difference in taxes could be substantial.

3. Your Mortgage Might Be an Obstacle

With more Americans carrying mortgage debt into their retirement years, you might still have a loan on your home by the time you consider giving it to a child. If your mortgage is transferable, your child will become responsible for it, which could be a financial burden. If it isn’t transferable, your child might have to refinance that debt, which might be even more expensive—or impossible, if your child does not have a strong credit history.

4. You Might Still Want to Live There

For estate planning purposes, you might consider giving your house to a child even if you plan to continue living in it. One reason is estate taxes. For tax year 2025, federal estate taxes only affect estates worth $13.99 million or more, so unless you own a mansion, that may not be an issue. Your state, however, may set a lower threshold. Oregon has the lowest exemption levels at $1 million.

If you do want to give your house to a child and still reside there, consult an estate-planning attorney about your options, including putting your home into a trust. One type, the qualified personal residence trust, could also allow you to freeze your home’s value for estate tax purposes, so you wouldn’t have to worry about future appreciation pushing you into estate tax territory.

Of course, there any number of potential downsides to becoming your child’s tenant. One is the potential for a family rift if you disagree on matters like home maintenance or who is responsible for what. And even if you and your child have an ideal relationship, you could find yourself at the mercy of a less-agreeable son- or daughter-in-law someday—perhaps someone who isn’t even in the picture yet.

Can My Child Sell the House Immediately After I Give It To Them?

Yes, your child can sell the house after you give it to them, but depending on the property’s value and their tax basis, they may face steep tax liabilities. If the house appreciates in value, they could owe capital gains tax on the difference between the home’s sale price and its original value (if it was gifted).

Is It Better to Gift the House or Pass It Down In My Will?

If you gift the house while you’re alive, your child may face a larger tax bill due to the capital gains tax. If you leave the house in your will, the property’s tax basis is stepped up to its market value, which can reduce potential taxes for your child. It’s often better to consult with a tax advisor to decide what’s best for your family.

If I Give My House To My Child, Can I Still Claim Tax Deductions Like Mortgage Interest or Property Tax?

Once you transfer the house to your child, you can no longer claim tax deductions for mortgage interest or property taxes on that property since you will no longer own the home.

The Bottom Line

Giving your home to your grown-up child is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is in your and your child’s best interests to consider all of the financial ramifications of such a move. Consult with a financial planner and an estate planning attorney if you plan to remain living in the home. These steps will help ensure that you make a decision that works for everyone.
